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April 6, 2024
Direkt Granulat Extruder V4
Blog April 6, 2024

With Extruder V4 I am continuing my development of an Direct Granule Extruder.
March 17, 2024
Herstellung von Kunststoffpulver
Blog 17. März 2024

I investigated what energy is needed to grind PLA pellets into plastic powder.
March 1, 2024
Making plastic powder
Blog März 2024

In order to be able to supply my direct extruder with fresh material, I made plastic powder from pellets using a router.
January 31, 2024
Plastic granles from a blender
Blog January 31. 2024

Plastic granules from a blender is the suitable raw material for my direct granules extruder.
January 11, 2024
Active Hammer, Part 2
Blog January 11, 2024

With my Active controlled Hammer I can now engrave steel with 12V.

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